Humedad. Verde.
Las hojas crecen rápidamente. Trepan, y suben, y entran, y abrazan.
Como en el cuento de las habichuelas mágicas.
En lo alto: el castillo con los tesoros.
Somos una Unidad.
La humedad, las hojas, el castillo, el tesoro.
(enredadera que llega a la ventada de mi cocina en Florida)
Humidity. Green.
Leaves grow fastly. Climb, and go up, and enter, and embrace.
As in the Jack and the Beanstalk story.
Up at the top: the castle with the treasures.
We are a Unity.
Humidity, the leaves, the castle, the treasure.
(climbing plant that reaches my kitchen window in Florida)
Hola Sole! Me encanta este blog. It not only makes me happy, it also makes me stop and pay attention to the beautiful perfection that resides within the details! Your words and photos are pure poetry! Besos, Fla